Our expectations rest heavily on aspirations and promises, my question is what do we do in the in-between? This piece aims to provide a guide to some important heart checks and practical points to take when you're edging towards breakthrough. Regardless of how your year has started, I want this to encourage you to see your heart as one of the most important authentication factors for true growth and development.


In the story of Job, he goes through some very challenging situations where his family died, he was sick and he lost all his wealth, yet he never cursed God. This is a man who was resolute in his relationship with God in and out of season. He was an embodiment of humility that didn’t allow trials to stop Him from his primary desire to please God and follow his ways attentively. Job's life has taught me a plethora of lessons, but I will be examining one lesson.


A key lesson that we can learn through Job is to understand the value of connection with God.


Job knew where his riches really were, they were not in what he could gain or attain but in His connection with God (Job 19;25-27). To me, it seemed he possessed an Adamic understanding of the world and of God. Much like Adam, he understood that God had made provision for every good thing. In Genesis, we see that God created the garden for Adam (Genesis 2:8). So, Adam did not need to worry or obsess about providing for himself or attaining things but instead focus on the relationship that he had with God (Matthew 6:33). So even in the face of lost riches and death failing, Job’s immediate response was to ask God, where are you? And how can I make this better? Our stability in life is dependent on the weight we put on our relationship with God, but calling God the beginning and the end has become more of a passing statement, rather than a heart resolve. As believers, we need to resolve in our hearts that when we have Lord, we have everything we need!



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